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The processing of the current transformer after the second open circuit

source:Zhejiang Fulai De Electric Co., Ltd.,   2017-5-10 10:48:36   2768 Times click

 (1) found that the current transformer secondary open circuit, should first distinguish the fault which is a group of current loop, open the other, the protection of whether the impact of reporting scheduling, the lifting of the protection may be freed.

(2) to minimize a load current, if the current transformer serious damage, should be transferred to the load, power failure check processing (if bypass, bypass power supply can be used to ensure the reliability of power supply).

(3) try to try the nearest test terminal, the current transformer secondary short circuit, and then check the open point, short circuit should be used when the short circuit dedicated short circuit, short circuit should be properly reliable, prohibit the use of fuses or general wire winding. And according to the drawings.

(4) pay attention to the phenomenon of shorting, if there is a spark when short, then the short answer is valid, the fault point in the short contact below the loop, can be further found, if short no spark, may be short The The fault point may be in the short circuit before the short circuit, you can point by point forward short contact, narrow range.

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